Oct 28, 2009

hey...it's me again....

HEI....long time no talk huh ?!?!

Ga tau kenapa semenjak 'kehilangan' my very best friend, biarpun gue masih ada si keriting yg juga my very best friend, I just lost my appetite to write stories about my beautiful life again.

Kejadiannya udah lama...lama banget...sebelom puasa kemaren. I had a bad argue with 'gendut'. Actually I didn't mean it...but it happened. Ga ngerti mana yang salah dan mana yg bener....yang pasti pada akhirannya semua salah. I was wrong n he TOTALLY WRONG.
Awalnya karna gue send a lill note to him in public area with the word 'sayang'....and suddenly he exploded. Well....not really exploded like BOOOOMMMM...but yelled at me 'ga keru2an' (ini bahasa si kriting...pinjem ya ne...).
Gendut bilang gue jahat kr gue tulis 'that word' untuk...bla bla bla...(he knows what i mean). But actually NOT....I used that word because I really SAYANG him and its TRUE !!!!


And just because I love...even dying to tease him....I tease him more n become too much. He exploded even more. He accused me that I'm a bad mother...bad wife...bad friend...bla bla bla...n I was CRAZY mad at him.
Arguing...yelling...send a bad words in FB n YM... until we agreed to cut our relationship.

BAD...really bad !!!!

Kriting ? confused....poor kriting !
She still talk with gendut...still see each other...but not with me.
Dunno why....

Until...2 days ago...i said hi to kriting n we were talking....
Feel like ages not talking to her...and I admit, I kinda miss her....

Me and gendut...still the same...not talking...not knowing each other.
I dont know that we are goin to be friend again or best friend again...I only know that I kinda miss him too.


  1. Ngakuuu kan akhirnya lu, kalo sebenernya kangen ama ini semua. I try to help yaaah. abis lu ngomong itu, gue dah sempet ngomongin ke ci enduttt chayang2......

    N I will let him know about this. N we should meet.

    Pesen2 gue dah gue sampein kan di YM. Ini bukan perkara mudah, bagaikan menyatukan Guci yang retakkk iniiii. Bagaikan gencatan senjata Aceh Merdekaaa...........yang dilakukan pertemuan perdamaian di Helsinki

  2. nyon : "hahahhahahah si endut marahhhhhhhhhhhhh,kempesin aja tehhhh"
